RME Digital Solutions create Shadow Plots, Sunlight and Daylight Analysis so as to assist you in your planning application. Using 3D rendering software, we can accurately trace the sun’s path over your proposed building/structure so as to generate a ‘shadow p;lots, Vertical Sky Component (VSC) and Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH)
Existing buildings can be added to the 3D scene as proxy elements to explain the affect of the shadows they cast (or receive) have on the proposed design. Results can be provided as an animation or as a series of images illustrating the shadow(s) cast for any specific time & hr:,date-dd/mm/yy e.g
Everything is done in our 3D software and the results can be provided as an animation or as a series of images illustrating the shadow paths. Sunlight and Daylight Analysis are displayed in tabular format with comparison of current V’s against the proposed design. We work to the guidelines laid out in “Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight: A Guide to Good Practice, Second Edition” by BRE Press
We have our process streamlined and offer excellent rates.
Why choose RME Digital Solutions
RME Digital Solutions have helped numerous architects in refining their building development such that the imposing shadow impact has been minimised, reduced adjacent property holders concerns and effectively allowing for planning applications to be passed.