3D Photomontages and Verified Views provide useful graphical representation of how a proposed development e.g. a small house extension, Multi-storey building or a civil infrastructure will look when built. There are essentially the mixing of a 3D model and a 2D photograph. Key to this graphical representation is the accuracy of how these two elements are combined.

Typically a series of photographs are taken of the current site (pre-build). Survey data and a 3D model of the development are complied and created. The 3D model is then placed into a 3D scene and the original photograph is defined as the background. Once in the correct position the model (relative to the photograph) we render out the image and then use some post work to blend the model into the photo.

We achieve the 3D design results by using accurate data and our expertise in design interpretation. We texture the building as per design, light it as per the original photos using HDRI lighting techniques. Ultimately our goal is to produce the most appealing image possible and hence provide you with a vital advantage in your planning application.

Photomontages offer valuable information to developers and local authorities. They are ofter considered a prerequisite to the planning, design and marketing stages of developments.

verified view beforeGas generation units with mitigation after 5 yrs

Verified Views:

gnss rover site surveyAs planning standards increase so too should the standard of data (in graphical and tabulated form) submitted to the local planning authorities. Verified views remove the guess work of conventional photomontages. This is achieved by compilation of survey data gathered from the local area that will appear in the photograph.

To achieve an accurate visual representation a verified view is becoming the default standard for planning applications.

Key Points of Verified views:

  • Decide on a view that is relevant to the development, i.e a view should be taken that is truly representative of public access.
  • A well shot photograph with lens representative of human eye (45mm to 55mm) with a full frame DSLR. Taking note of sun position and possibly using HDR (High Dynamic Range) shot image to be used for environment lighting when at the rendering stage.
  • Collection and correlation of survey data points using GPS scanning equipment.
  • Create an accurate 3D model that will be used in the verified view. These are typically created from 2D files.
  • Integrate the 3D model into the correct viewpoint by using a virtual camera. This camera is positioned and has it settings matched to the original physical camera with the help of the survey data.
  • With the 3D model and camera now matching the photograph the process of lighting and creating accurate materials begins until we are happy with the result.
  • Finally some post work such as colour correction and masking is carried out to make the buildings/structure integrate seamlessly with the photograph.
Photomontage industrial building verified photomontageverified view of propose building
current layout photomontagephotomontage footbridge

Want to talk to us about your project!

The Key Advantages are:

  • Provides a vital tool in planning applications and visual impact studies.
  • Assists in funding for your development.
  • Use as a sales tool to your potential investors/clients.
  • Marketing Material for brochures and hording.
  • Convey design proposals in an accurate way to your wide audience.
  • Illustrate the footprint of building and hence shadow studies can be undertaken.
  • Provide a useful tool during the design process.
  • Illustrate mitigation of sensitive developments
  • Demonstrate staged development